Tim Green - Sequence for quickmail community

Jeremy Chatelaine

Step 1



No Subject line


I'm looking to speak to the most appropriate person about ***what you do*** for {{company}}. Is this you?

My company, ***your company***, provides an intuitive, hassle free way to ***provide value*** - ***some personal benefit***. It would be great to show you how we can help you ***achieve this*** with a demo.

Your First Name

Email address


Phone Number

Calendar Link


Wait 72 hours (3.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.


Step 2



Re: *previous subject*

Hi, - just wanted to make sure that you received my email. Would really appreciate any feedback.

Many thanks

Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 72 hours (3.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.


Step 3



Re: *previous subject*

Just checking in again to make sure you received the email. If you get a chance to let me know I would really appreciate it.

Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 72 hours (3.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.


Step 4



Re: *previous subject*

Just wanted to reach out again - if you could spare a couple of moments to let me know, I would really appreciate it.


Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 72 hours (3.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.



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