Space Q


Step 1



How good is your Physics?

Howdy, {{prospect.first_name}}?

Space Q explorations Ltd. is looking for a rocket scientist to interview for a book we're about to publish, titled “The Earth is Flat”.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please let me know by replying to this email, so I can send you the interview questions via email.

Melon Husk
Space Q Project



Wait 24 hours (1.0 days) before next step.



Hey Dr. {{prospect.first_name}} {{prospect.last_name}}, Are you a rocket scientist?

Hello Dr. {{prospect.first_name}} {{prospect.last_name}},

Just wondering if you might be interested to help our small research company with a book
Space Q is looking for a rocket scientist to interview for a book we're publishing, “The Earth is Flat”.

I know the title seems a bit off, but we assure you that it's going to be an educational book and we want to be as precise and accurate as possible that's why I'm sending you this request.

Melon Husk
Space Q Project



Wait 24 hours (1.0 days) before next step.



Rocket Scientist needed

Hello {{prospect.first_name}},

Space Q is looking for a rocket scientist to interview for a book we're publishing, “The Earth is Flat”.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please let me know by replying to this email, so I can send you the interview questions via email.

Melon Husk
Space Q Project



Wait 24 hours (1.0 days) before next step.


Step 2



Re: *previous subject*

Hi {{prospect.first_name}},

In case you're actually interested last time but just wasn't able to reply:


Gimme a holler if you need more details.

Melon Husk

Space Q Project

Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 72 hours (3.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.



Are you a Rocket Scientist?

Hey {{prospect.first_name}},

Waddup? I hope you're not too busy trying to derive the trajectory of that pesky asteroid that got off orbit last week.
if you have time, please allow me a short interview for a book I am writing.
BTW, you'll receive 2 copies of hard-bound deluxe edition prints if you allow yourself to be part of this project :)


Melon Husk

Space Q Project


Wait 24 hours (1.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.



Re: *previous subject*

Hey {{prospect.first_name}}

Just wanted to make sure my previous email hadn't fallen through the cracks...
BTW, you'll receive 2 copies of hard-bound deluxe edition prints if you allow yourself to be part of this project :)

Let me know!

Melon Husk

Space Q Project

Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 48 hours (2.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.


Step 3



Re: *previous subject*

Just checking in to see if you’d had a chance to consider my email below. Let me know what you think when you get a second. test link

Live long and prosper!

Melon Husk

Space Q Project

Include previous step (include previous step)


Wait 7200 hours (300.0 days) before next step. Skip week-ends.



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